About This Site
was created and is maintained by Ugandan Rwenzori
enthusiasts. As such it is not an official
Rwenzori National Park website. In fact, this site is
not an official website of any government,
conservationist, geologist, botanist, peace-loving,
war-loving or other such body!
Rwenzori.com is a collection of experiences. It is purely
an enthusiast site that hopes to share experiences,
provide information and tips about trekking in the
Rwenzoris. It is hoped that along the way Rwenzori.com
will prove useful to future trekkers and dreamers alike.
A Quick History
Every Ugandan child is
taught in school about the Mountains of the Moon. Your
Webmasters have been out of school far too long to
remember what exactly was taught on the
above subject, however the presence of snow-covered
mountain peaks so close to the equator (0° 23′ N to be
exact) certainly had its effects on
impressionable young minds.
And so it was that in August 1995, with no prior
mountaineering experience, the decision was made to
pay a visit to the Mountains of the Moon. (Disclosure:
We confess
that John Preston's
Touching The Moon
played a part in this decision.)
That trip was magical in many ways. From the lowland
forests, to the giant groundsel forests, the Bogs and the
moss-covered alpine forests, it was all too exciting!
was glimpsed, but not attempted.
Nine years later (May 2004), another trip was
planned. This time, Margherita was the main target,
having been (wisely) left out the last time
round. While the years had taken their toll, this trip
was just as exciting as the last,
although the ascent of Margherita was thwarted by bad weather.
In August 2005, another attempt was made. This time
round, the Good Lord smiled and the weather let up
just long enough for Marherita to be summited. We will
spare you the hyperbole, suffice it to say that at
least one member of the expedition had tears in their
eyes on reaching the summit.
A Thank You to our expedition sponsors is in order: DFCU Bank, Infocom and
Tiger Tech.
Birth of Rwenzori.com
A website about the Rwenzori Mountains was planned as
far back as 2001. Your webmasters had amassed
a lot of information and photographs about Rwenzori,
with a view to using it to start the
site. The idea behind Rwenzori.com was
simple: The Rwenzoris are a part of the rich
heritage of our country and region, which must be
shared. A number of organisations are already
doing an admirable job in this regard, Rwenzori.com is only
intended to supplement their efforts.
In the true Internet spirit,
Rwenzori.com encourages contributors. Send
us your stories, pictures,
tips, information, etc. We'll do our best to put it on
the site, for others to enjoy.
Be sure to visit the Rwenzori History page for
information about the Rwenzori Mountains.